Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Poem to Margie

Margie you are one of the best people I know

One of the best persons I have ever met

I am so grateful for being in your presence

I am so grateful for all the love you have given

And I know will continue to give

Margie you are the embodiment of love

You are lovely in your being

There is not one soul that you have encountered that you haven’t touched

Thank you for being you

Thank you for loving me

Thank you for allowing the person you are to be with us

And with us always you will be

There is no true death

There is just life

And I know that your essence will continue on

And that loving that you are will continue through eternity

You are an old soul, a wise person

And most of all

You have touched and made better all the lives that you have encountered

I love you Margie

I’m not the only one

Thank you for sharing your being with me

Thank you for sharing your heart with me

Thank you for being who you are

And thank you for continuing that being

In whatever form you take


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