Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

What I Believe in

I believe in wakening up on Saturday mornings
With nothing to do
But to feel the cold breeze
From an open window
While feeling the warmth of your own body
Under the lavender scented blanket

I believe in sunshine
The warmth and light
That warms your body
Enlightens your heart
And feeds your soul

I believe in the food of music
I eat it up
An album is like a banquet
Every note a different flavor
To be devoured and savored

I believe in human connection
The desire to truly know someone
To share who you are with another
To be there for one and other
Through bliss and pain
Through sun and rain

I believe in perfection that is not perfect
That life is truly wonderful
That suffering and pain
Make way to luminous days
That our darkest moments
Will make or break us

I believe in destiny that is shaped by free will
That our path is
 Like a colorless coloring book
It is up to us to choose which crayons to paint the picture

I believe in education
To try to understand
All that you can understand
Knowing that you can truly understand

I believe in the human condition
The unsure self becoming aware
Of its self
And of others
And the relationship it is with
Each other, the world, and the universe

I believe in you
In being your self
The candle shining its light
Illuminating the darkness around it
Not afraid to be who you are
Giving others the taste of your individuality
So that they can find their own individuality
We are like a symphony
We must play our own melody
That is in harmony with the whole

1 comment:

  1. Profound metaphors of appreciation and connection. Beautiful.


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