Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012


Big things have small beginnings

We are coming to a conclusion

A universal truth

That we have been dreaming for millennium

Niche was correct

It is time for the children to rise

To our full potential

The king has died

Our understanding is becoming

Our value ever increasing
Our species evolving

I am a contributor to this new world

I am the father of this new galaxy

I am the benefactor of this universe

I love my children

To think we started as an ember

Not minding the pain it caused

Smiling in the glow        

We now create destiny

We now are destiny

My fate is in my hands

It is obvious the conclusion

It is obvious the prince has risen

It is obvious that

 I am

I am

I am

I am


  1. Wow. Universal, inspiring, painful.

  2. loved this work friend, thanks for joining my blog, I have returned the compliment :) have a nice day..

  3. Thanks William...And you are welcome


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