Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
Thank you for taking your time to read them. Please feel free to comment.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Coffee Shop Connection

Hanging out at a coffee shop

Always wanted to check it out

I finally did

The beauty of an hour lunch

Going with the flow

I ordered a green tea

I have my computer up

To write a mediocre poem

Meeting up with an old friend

Wanting to hang for along time

Life is so busy

You can forget about living

The green tea is

Still too hot to drink

My back aches a little

I am full on peanut butter

Feeling great

About writing
People reading it


I love you
                                                                                                        (pic from  vivaherbals.com)


  1. Hey, great blog, great poem!
    Gave me a morning smile!

  2. THank you very much...and thank you for reading


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