Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
Thank you for taking your time to read them. Please feel free to comment.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Poem # 28

Shyness like a disease

Spreads through out my body

Its green putrid pus coming out

Of my leg

Like infection eating a burn

A shot in the butt will not help

I want to have friends

To listen to people

To actually hear what they have to say

And digest their wisdom

And their being

Into my heart

I am deaf, blind, and numb

The infection spreading its

Malicious malevolence 

Into my brain

I am a robot

The disease has won

I am deadened

It is too late for me

I am already programmed

Green putridness flowing like a river

Out of all my pours

Its emerald stench is so strong

I cannot smell anything but shampoo

I am the disease

The reason why

Brothers war on brothers

Smell my monstrous contagion 

As the secretion runs down your spine

And into your heart

I am jade

Burned with no pain

I cannot feel

A thing

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Cat Poem

She sits inside all day

Looking out the window

Content with just gazing

The thought of actually going outside

Does not cross her mind

Or so I think

She is perfectly content

Scratching her worn out grimy post

Burying her scat under the other two cats Excrement

Eating the same old tasteless

Odorless tanned bits of hard

Industrial waste everyday

Why can’t I be like that?

Just calm and pleasured?

My human condition drives me

To want more

More and more and more

To need to reach out and grab

Whatever it needs to grab

Unless I am too afraid

She is not like that

She is satisfied to sit by her window

Watching the birds mock her

With their solemn screams of freedom

While the house prevents her

From feeling the cool spring air

Smelling the green morning drenched grass

Putting her natural instinct to quite the mocking birds

Behind the glass she can stare

And stare and stare

Fall asleep

Defecate in the used filthy sand

Eating the insipid left over’s of humanity

While never wanting anything else

I left the dog door open yesterday

I hope you go through it

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What I Believe in

I believe in wakening up on Saturday mornings
With nothing to do
But to feel the cold breeze
From an open window
While feeling the warmth of your own body
Under the lavender scented blanket

I believe in sunshine
The warmth and light
That warms your body
Enlightens your heart
And feeds your soul

I believe in the food of music
I eat it up
An album is like a banquet
Every note a different flavor
To be devoured and savored

I believe in human connection
The desire to truly know someone
To share who you are with another
To be there for one and other
Through bliss and pain
Through sun and rain

I believe in perfection that is not perfect
That life is truly wonderful
That suffering and pain
Make way to luminous days
That our darkest moments
Will make or break us

I believe in destiny that is shaped by free will
That our path is
 Like a colorless coloring book
It is up to us to choose which crayons to paint the picture

I believe in education
To try to understand
All that you can understand
Knowing that you can truly understand

I believe in the human condition
The unsure self becoming aware
Of its self
And of others
And the relationship it is with
Each other, the world, and the universe

I believe in you
In being your self
The candle shining its light
Illuminating the darkness around it
Not afraid to be who you are
Giving others the taste of your individuality
So that they can find their own individuality
We are like a symphony
We must play our own melody
That is in harmony with the whole

Friday, April 27, 2012

Angels in My Life

Do you believe in guardian angels?
I did not use to
 But that change along time ago

It is my experience that
Guardian angels
Are not angelic
They are people

Everyday “normal” people
And they are here for you
When you least expect them

An old saying that
When the student is ready the teacher will appear
Cannot be more true

There are angels in my life
 I can recognize a few
They come and go
Some stay around
I know one from middle school

Guardian angels
Being there for me
And they don’t even know
To what extent
And to what end
They have helped
My life

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Perfectly Imperfect

I am perfectly imperfect
And I am
Finally ok with that

I am perfectly imperfect
I am discovering that
Imperfection every day
And that Is perfection

I am perfectly imperfect
And that is beautiful
In its own way

Perfectly imperfect
I try every day
To get it “right”

I am done trying
I am just going to
Start being

I am understanding who
I am
I am
Perfectly imperfect
And that imperfection
Makes me feel

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chocolate Donut

What will tomorrow bring?

What experiences will I experience?

Will it be the same old day?

The same old day is an illusion

Created by the human need

To control and manipulate

Every day is a new day

If only we can see it

I had my life planned out

Written down

All the events until the day I die

Life does not work that way

Life kills your plans

And it rebirths your dreams

And that is a good thing

Life is magical

If we can wake up

And smell the flowers

I don’t care for coffee

Unless it’s with a chocolate donut

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Too Personal

What is a poem if it is not a reflection?
Writing is a reflection
A reflection into the author
All thou no one will really understand the reflection
Including the author

Truth is the essential in writing
With out truth
There is no meaning
And with out meaning
There is no point in regurgitating
The experience
Or trying to capture a feeling

So to answer your question
It will stay personal
My poems are a reflection
Of myself
And how I view the world

Understand them if you want
Take from them the meaning that you give
Don’t take them to seriously
And if you feel the need to judge
I don’t care

Ok I do care
But I will still be writing
To what end?
I don’t know

But I do love you to read them

Monday, April 23, 2012

Where is My Mind

It is true
Its gone
All gone

I flooded my house
I overfilled my motorcycle
Work although tedious is full of errors
School is not going so well
My personal life is in the trash

Is it understandable my wife calls me names?
I did ruin the basement
But it was already ruined
Now it’s totaled

This is my life
I am half asleep
Maybe fully asleep

I am craving a joke
 I am craving sleep
I am craving the glory of life

It seems that when I try to find that glory
That I just duck it up

Where is my mind
You tell me

I cant find it
Its lost
Probably in the same place
Where they buried
My soul

"Its ok
Im really ok
Trust me
Everything is going
To be

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lessons From a Quote Book

You taught me that “we are born to die(1)”

and no matter your age “young old just words(2)” are they

That “love seeks not limits but outlets(3)”

And “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy(4)”

You speak to me threw others

I know to consider that “when I am simply grateful, life is simply great(5)”

That “home is all the sweeter when you have braved adventures to get back to it(6)”

And that 
“seeing this moment as a perfect moment is always a choice(7)”

It helps me to remember that

“I would rather die having spoke after my manner

Than speak in your manner and live(8)”

And that “love is not just a feeling.

Its shaving your balls(9)”

“After all if preprogrammed machines, can be changed by the

Roles they play

Then anybody could(10)”

And if anybody could


“It is not easy to know what you like

Most people fool themselves

Their entire lives about this

Self acquaintance

Is a rare condition(11)”

Quoted by

1: William Shakespeare

2: Gorge Burns

3: Anonymous

4: The shinning

5: Jill Bote Taylor

6: Homer, the odyssey

7: Jill Bote Taylor

8: Socrates, the Apology

9: American wedding

10: Battle Star Galactica

11: Robert Henri

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Connection is the most important
Part of being human

We connect with many things
But the most significant connection
Is with each other

When I talk to you
And you talk to me
And we can get along
Even with all of our problems
That is a beautiful thing

When you can support me
And I can support you
On interests that don’t interest us
That is a loving deed

When you become you
And I become me
And we put away our misery
Our lives open up
To each other
For each other

Yes we have our flaws
But making this work
Not for obligation
Not because we are afraid of the future
Not for anything else
We make this work
Because of our strong connection

And that connection
That is spectacular living

Friday, April 20, 2012


I look in the mirror
What do I see?
Some strange human being
Looking back at me

I look in the mirror
 And to my surprise
 This face of mine
 Is withering
 With time

I look in the mirror
 Who is this strange creature?
 Looking back at me

Same old brown eyes
A balding head

Hopes and dreams that need fed
Some personality that I dread

The sparkle of life in his eyes

His life is passing him bye

So much he wants to share
If only he could bear

The fear that shakes him
His soul is out there

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Conundrum

There is a line between

Desires and responsibilities

A line between

Duty and free expression

How do you mend this line?

Is their a balance?

Is there a way to have fun

And do what must be done?

The eight to five work week

While filling your free time

Like two hermits trapped in a box

While watching TV

Feels empty

How do I get my soul back?

How do I come alive?

Am I doomed?

 To listen to others?

What they want?

What they expect?

How I should behave?

All my life?

I am surrounded by allot of miserable people

Do I want to raise my kids

To become miserable

And follow the sins of the father?

I do not know how to live

I want to live

I want to find my bliss

And I want to follow that

Show me how I can blend this line

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I Want

I want to be cared about

I want to be in a reciprocal relationship

I want to be free to express me

I want to be an effective teacher

I want to make a difference

I want to be there for people

I want to be there for myself

I want to love myself

I want to know myself

I want to jump for joy


I want to spend my time off

Riding a motorcycle

Flying an airplane

Writing poetry

Reading poetry

Traveling the world

Experiencing nature

And I want you there

To hold my hand

I want to feel things

I mean REALLY FEEL things

I want to feel the world around me

I want to feel the love around me

I want to feel my heart beating

to the beat of life

I want to be me

who am I

will I ever know?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Poem to Margie

Margie you are one of the best people I know

One of the best persons I have ever met

I am so grateful for being in your presence

I am so grateful for all the love you have given

And I know will continue to give

Margie you are the embodiment of love

You are lovely in your being

There is not one soul that you have encountered that you haven’t touched

Thank you for being you

Thank you for loving me

Thank you for allowing the person you are to be with us

And with us always you will be

There is no true death

There is just life

And I know that your essence will continue on

And that loving that you are will continue through eternity

You are an old soul, a wise person

And most of all

You have touched and made better all the lives that you have encountered

I love you Margie

I’m not the only one

Thank you for sharing your being with me

Thank you for sharing your heart with me

Thank you for being who you are

And thank you for continuing that being

In whatever form you take


Monday, April 16, 2012


I am so sleepy

I am so drained

I am so exhausted

I am

Wiped out

Is my soul dead

Or just awakening

Death and life

An oxymoron

Student Teacher

I am so drowsy

I am so worn out

I am so fatigued

I think

Ill go to bed

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I am back from vacation

To return back to reality

This is why reality

Must be made extraordinary

How do I do that?

I feel so anxious

And incompetent

I think this is how most of us feel

I am tired of feeling this way

I am back from vacation

My home smells like used cat litter

My grass is a jungle full of dandy lions

I don’t care

I want to ride a motorcycle

It is cold

But the sun is warm

I need to find my center

I am off balance

Is this a crisis?

Follow your heart

Listen to the universe

Notice the synchronicity

Can I trust it?

Can I trust myself?

Who or what can I trust?

I am back from vacation

And I am anxious

For more reasons than I know

Sometimes a cage can be comfortable

Sometimes a cage makes it so you tremble

Sometimes a cage makes it so you can not breath

Where is the key?

Saturday, April 14, 2012


We have struck

An Ice burg

We are going down

By the head

Count the minutes

Until we

Are all dead

Am I the ship builder

Or captain smith?

There are not

Enough life boats

You can’t save

Your skin

I am just clinching

The rudder

Knowing that I

Have lead

To our greatest disaster

The unsinkable ship


Friday, April 13, 2012

Prayer Poem

Dear Life
Guide me
To my
Highest good

Place me
Where I need to be
With whom
I need to be with

Allow me
To be strong
To know what is best
For my self
And the rest

Grace me with your
Let me see
A little deeper

Guide me
To my authentic self
And allow me
To be honest
With myself
And others

Thank you
For this life
For the people in it
And for allowing me
To become your paint brush

Fill me with color
And paint

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Path

The synchronicity is every where

Little events

That make up your life

Telling you

You are on your path

Little synchronicity

Leads to big events

Life changers

I am too small

To know where

The path leads

But down I go

Taking each day

Day by day

A new step

In a direction

That I know

Leads to my

Highest good

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I am a phoenix

We are all a phoenix

We will burn

Are current self’s

To death

To be reborn


Our darkest times

Will be our

Greatest teachers

And there are

Special people

That will help

And support

Your burned wings

To fly again

Higher and higher

Our darkest hour

Will be

Our greatest moment

To shape

Who we are

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thank You

Thank you
I needed that
It made my day
It made me whole
It wormed my soul

Thank you
The sun felt so good
The sky was so blue
The grass was so green
There was no where I would rather be
Thank you
I saw the butterfly
Lots of them
Some in the grass
                                                             And one on a log
Just enjoying
Its beingness
Thank you
That was what I needed
That was heaven
That was the perfect moment

Monday, April 9, 2012

What Im Good At

I hurt others

Not intentionally

But I do

I hurt others

It is something I am good at

Maybe the one thing I am good at

I want to heal people

I want to help people

I want to be that person

I cant help anybody

I cant heal anyone

I cant even be me

Who the hell am I?

I have no friends

Do you wonder why?

Its quite clear

I am very good

At what I do

And I hurt

And I cry

And I cant stand myself

To all of those that I have

Blown off

Not called



Named called

And worse

I am sorry

For what that is worth

Very little I think