Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Six Years in the Making

What have we been?
Where are we going?
Where will life take us?
The true story
Only god knows

Tears of joy
Laughter of sorrow
Smiles of compassion
Talk of understanding
Lips of compromise

A love that is committed
A life that is shared
Two people who still care

Six years and counting
We spend our lives together
Happily happy
And sorrowly sad
A combination
A connection
A love that
We share


  1. You are so creative. The joy of being together with the person you love can't be measured. When they love you back, that is when the circle is complete and you find the true meaning of what life is for. I am so glad that you both share this miracle. Life is impeccable.


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