Thank you for wondering upon Part Time Poetry. All poems contained are my original work.
Thank you for taking your time to read them. Please feel free to comment.


Saturday, June 30, 2012


When I grow up

I am going to be Godzilla

King of the monsters

I am going to crush buildings

With my tail

Bell out atomic fire

With my gasp

I am going to be

The best monster of them all

When I grow up

I am going to be

Protector and destroyer

Of Tokyo

I will beat up

Any other monster in my way

Tokyo is my little brother

I will pick on it from time to time

If you even try to roar at it

Its Godzilla time!

When I grow up

I am going to

Take on



King Kong

Mecha Godzilla

I will bleed green

I am Godzilla

King of the monsters

Here is my victory dance

Friday, June 29, 2012

Morning Sickness

The alarm shrieks

With its morning moan

I don’t hear it

You gently wake me up

I am already ready for bed

I just lie on the

Cool satin sheets

Trying to catch my breath

Wanting to get back

To the color of dreams


Its too late

I am late

Crusty eyes

Turn on the shower

Shampoo all over

Wash away the scent

Of a sweaty sleep

Drink some water

Make some juice

Where are my keys?

Don’t forget to brush

And deodorize

I must be presentable

There is a hole in my shirt

Goodbye home

Goodbye dog

Goodbye cat

Goodbye wife

Ill get a kiss

If I am lucky

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Fires burn across the valley

Smoke blisters the eyes                                                    

Strangles the throat

It feels apocalyptic

This year has brought

Great change

I see it all over

I don’t believe in the

Made up myth

Even if self-fulfilling story’s

Came to fruition

It would be business as usual

Change is hard, scary, and painful

It is the only constant

Its life

In those last moments

While my back lays

Sticky to black asphalt

When I take my last breath

Think my last thought

I want to know

I have loved  and lived

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Nothing is more brilliant
Than the human smile

A significant expression
That expresses joy
And connection in
The human condition

Shared between
Complete strangers

The radiance of
The human smile
Has a glow that
Outshines the sun

Those who are truly
Alive know
The Value of the smile
And grin frequently

I will smile at you
Naturally you will
Smile back

Joy is our most
Pure form

The littlest among you
Know this truth
As their faces show

Smile and the world
Smiles with you
Its only natural

Let it shine
Like the heavens above
You are a piece
Of natural love

I am going to smile
Each day
I wont allow them
To take it away

Here is my smile
That tells you
I love you


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26 2012

Happy birthday
I hope it is good
I hope it is memorable
I hope it is fun

Happy birthday
I hope your 26th year
Was enjoyable
I hope your 26th year
Was memorable
I hope your 26th year
Brought you joy

Happy birthday
You are now working
On your 27th year
I hope you make it joyful
I hope you make it memorable
I hope you make stories
I hope its every thing
You want it to be

Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Go Lucky

I am happy

Go lucky

I love

To smile

I love

To laugh

I am happy

Go lucky

There is

A dark side

To me

Few know it

Some read it

On a blog

I love

To love

Just being


Go lucky

Show me
your darkside
and ill show


I want you
to smile

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Active Lifestyle



Having fun in the sun


The experience
Of  existing


Let’s make
Some story’s
To tell

Saturday, June 23, 2012

C is for Cookie

I want cookies

For breakfast

Their sweet doughy center

With a chocolate chip surface

Dunked in a glass of milk

Sugar is addicting

As it is bad for your body

If it tastes good you know

It is bad

Bodies are masochistic

Craving sugar, salts, and fat

Why can’t they crave broccoli

Cookies me want cookies

My skin is turning blue

There is no more hiding it

I am the cookie monster


Friday, June 22, 2012

A Good Day

Why is it that Friday

is a good day

It usually is for me

Started off kinda scary

But I got on my motorcycle

Went to school

Met up with a friend

Visited my wife

Home at two o clock

Feeling kind of sad

But I got on my motorcycle

Went up the canyon

away from the smoke

leaving the fire behind

The cool air

The precipitation evaporating

The wild moose

It is good to be home

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Consumers Paradise

I live in a consumers paradise

Assuming you have money




I live in a consumers paradise

Where love is shown

With things

And prewritten cards

I live in a consumers paradise

Where I don’t know

Who grew my food

I don’t know who painted

This toy

I don’t know who

Served my coffee

I live in a consumers paradise

Where the cashers are

Expected to perform

Not socialize with customers

They are timed

Wring it up

Faster and faster

Its call productivity

I live in a consumers paradise

Where I trade

My time

My soul

My freedom

For your




What’s the going exchange rate?

It depends on your education

And who you know

Mainly who you know

I live in a consumers paradise

And I am very glad

That my basic needs

Are met


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Grandeur Peak with the Dog

Tripping on rocks
Or sticks
Or mud

No flash light
Night vision not as good
As one thinks

What does the dog think?
Of all this
Maybe ill have to sleep here
One person may worry

Am I on the trail
Am I seeing the yeti ?
This blackness is

Alone but not
That is wired
Totally alone
Just me and that dog

I am content
My mind finally quiets
Its been haunting

Interesting dark void
Brings peace  

I am  stillness
In the dark
Not seeing
The trail ahead of me

The stars shine down
Haven’t seen stars in a while
Haven’t been in this kind of dark
I am the yeti

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Airport Delivery

17 hours of flight time                                                                                                  
Feeling the freedom of VFR                                              
I have touched the skies

Light bulbs at the airport
That familiar smell of
Exhaustion and excitement

The hugs embrace as
Experience gives way
To loss and gain

I love this place
A purgatory of
Human beingness

A feeling of escape
Of adventure
Of life and pain

Hop onto the next plane
And find yourself
In some strange land

I don’t have a boarding pass
Driving away
Welcome to Utah
I have more lights
To deliver

Monday, June 18, 2012

Beam Me Up Scotty

Beam me up Scotty

Transport me away

To planets mysterious

And green aliens

Beam me up Scotty

Take my matter

Into a billion pieces

A million traces

And put me back together

Beam me up Scotty

Allow me to feel

The quantum leap

Between me

And the unknown

Beam me up Scotty

Travel at warp speed

Farther than the galaxy

Discovering the undiscoverable

And the indefinite

Beam me up Scotty

I am just an earthling

Bound in human creation

And creativity

Beam me up Scotty

I wont disappoint

I could write a verse

And if I am lucky

A poem

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Haiku


It is a day for
Whoops to love and remember
Thank for not killing  

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Sizzling smoking frying

Swimming in your own juices

Cooking you from raw meatiness

To crispy beauty

The worst

The best

Could eat the whole package

Lucky my dog eats


The ultimate Saturday breakfast

Coating my house

In your smoky air


What else is there to say?

It has been fun

It has been tasty

I could eat you all day


My greed

My hunger

Has consumed all

Of you

Tasty bacon

Friday, June 15, 2012

Free Fall



Climbing on gray boulders
Big as the mountain
Jumping to the next
The fall could hurt you

Landing just right
It was on a slope
Boots clumping with a thud
A heart palpating relief

The cool breeze on the face
The heat off the ball in the sky
The stream passing by
Swishing in the distance

Gentle leaves brushing the arm
The hairs swaying like trees
A goat in its habitat
A feeling of peace

Healing with green leaves
Swelling the soul
Breathing with the air
A cleansing refresh

A part of this world
All that fly
Into the clouds
Must return
To the sea